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Thread: This one, perhaps, will bring us quietness

  1. #1

    This one, perhaps, will bring us quietness

    This one, on the day
    I numbly gave away the data
    that assembled together slots me
    in file cabinets in banks
    and immigration offices.
    I gave it away, headshot
    passport number and what not
    in exchange for
    an app!
    Is this a deep person’s version
    of not caring enough to not want to hide
    for pleasure
    while strangers watch?

    This one, written in memory
    or perhaps as a seance with myself and I, for my
    long-gone quietness of heart.
    Let’s cross fingers loosely that I will not,
    again, tonight, dry up whatever waters
    of life yet remain, by staring
    late at night at blue lit fire,
    thumbing up, dog tired but too
    understimulated and
    overstimulated, to sleep;
    the deeps bewitched into
    a constant whirl, sucking up noise
    and clamour.

    This poem is a prayer—
    the effort of faith— on a day I
    try again to return
    to tying my self down, with words,
    long enough to hear me think.
    I’m staring into passersby,
    my mouth dried by cheap coffee, like a parable, perhaps,
    of something deeper and worse.
    The cafe’s loud music, now volumed up
    obsecenely, perhaps to help my
    death by noise
    so that this one doesn’t help
    me remember that place
    where still waters run,
    and save me.

  2. #2

    Re: This one, perhaps, will bring us quietness

    I enjoyed your writing here. I took away from it that the one longs for the quietness of life yet the steady hustle and go about it only seems to bring forth slim chances of achieving it. Kinda like losing yourself in work or giving all and losing apart of you in a sense of something you have to do to survive yet you hate doing it.

    This one, on the day
    I numbly gave away the data
    that assembled together slots me
    in file cabinets in banks
    and immigration offices.
    I gave it away, headshot
    passport number and what not
    in exchange for
    an app!
    Is this a deep person’s version
    of not caring enough to not want to hide
    for pleasure
    while strangers watch?

    This to me really explains a lot of today’s times, this face in phone, technological society we live in. It does seem to take away from the natural ability to interact on a more personal level and find sheer enjoyment in doing things that make us happy instead of putting on this fake facade of oh I’m better than I actually am on the inside. I really like the simplistic yet profound layout of the piece overall. Its like damn these phones and iPads or tablets or whatever have you stuck in a wormhole once you pick them up and scroll endlessly for hours. All in all nice writing. I look forward to reading more from you.

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